Polytarp bubble extruder machine

Leading the Way in Manufacturing Advanced Flexible Packaging and Film Solutions

We manufacture high quality plastics products customized for your needs and industry requirements, from construction to food packaging, and deliver them to you just in time.

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Just-in-Time Delivery

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Made in Canada

Man in lab coat and hard hat touching a screen in Polytarp manufacturing plant

Sustainability in Plastic Packaging, Liners and Films

Our in-house research team, with a PhD in polymer science leads the development and manufacturing of new premium-quality products such as flow wrap and vapor barrier. For us, sustainable products are those that are strong, last longer than comparable alternatives, require less plastic to achieve the same characteristics and result in less waste. Contact us for more information on sustainability.

Polytarp logo across exterior of factory

Cutting-Edge Solutions Across Industries

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Our End-to-End Services Adapt to Your Needs

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Custom Sizes

We manufacture products in a variety of lengths, widths and thicknesses to perfectly fit your application.

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Printed Labels and Logos

We can include your establishment codes, logos and other labels on products as one-colour random print, inline.

Icon of boxes being stored in a house
In-House Storage

We have the ability to store your finished products right up until you need them in our large-capacity warehouse in Toronto, Canada. Contact us for more details.

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Just-in-Time Delivery

We deliver products based on your production schedule to reduce your inventory carrying costs.

Image of plastics extruder inside of Polytarp's factory
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The Industry Standard Since 1957

Polytarp is an international supplier of premium polyethylene products. Centrally located in Toronto, Canada, Polytarp manufactures 28 product types, from packaging to liners and films, in hundreds of variations for nine primary industries ranging from food packaging to construction.

We continuously invest in developing new products that are more durable, use less plastic and reduce waste. These efforts are spearheaded by our in-house research team.

Our plastics can be custom-made for your needs, and our end-to-end service solutions, such as storage and just-in-time delivery, ensure a seamless product supply you can rely on.

Learn about Polytarp